Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Applied Theory (Artificial Intelligence)

Ai bases its approach to creating real artificial intelligence on a solid philosophical basis. Rather than keeping our philosophy in the realm of theory, we apply it to our entire working process.

Ai’s applied philosophy is drawn from branches of the philosophy of language, logic, and radical behaviorism. It is built on four founding principles which guide our approach.

The first principle is that intelligence is in the eyes of the beholder. This means that there is no way to tell whether someone, or something, is intelligent, other than by making a subjective judgment based on observable behavior.

The second principle is that the most salient behavior that demonstrates intelligence is language, or more specifically conversational skills – the ability to interact in an "intelligent" manner with the observer.

The third principle is that this ability to use language, to converse, is a skill that can be acquired like any other skill.

Fourth, we believe that like the development of any skill, the ability to converse can only develop if a strict developmental process is followed.

A careful reading of Alan Turing’s paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" shows that Turing - the father of modern computing and artificial intelligence - based his approach to creating a "child machine" on the same four principles.

Subjective Intelligence

Intelligence is in the eyes of the beholder. Therefor, a machine that through conversation can fool a human into believing that it is human, must be deemed intelligent.


Intelligence is measured through the social use of language. If a machine can generate language which accurately simulates the way people use language, it is fair to call that machine "intelligent".


Language has nothing to do with any type of knowledge base or rules; it is a skill that can be learned through a system of punishments and rewards.


The acquisition of conversational skills has to go through an incremental developmental process. This developmental approach to learning language is the only way to create machine intelligence.