When the advances of microprocessor technology finally hits the wall and circuits are beyond anymore shrinking, more computers are expected to use dual processing, triple processing or even more. This means that instead of using single chips to perform operations, the compter shares the job between 2 or more processors.
Already, supercomputers at companies like Intel, NASA and IBM use fleets of processors and are hence able to process jobs at amazing speeds impossible for single processor computers. Workstations, animation CAD computers and other video editing computers use the dual processor technology.
The only problem that lies here is with the operating systems. As the number of processors increase, the operating system, which takes care of all the tasks inside a computer will have to be more complex to be able to support them. Further more, the task of splitting the operations is complicated would be a big problem as more and more processors are incoperated.
To be able to let the processors run at top speeds, memory allocation areas like the RAM (random access memory), cache and also the BUS (the connection that links up the component) will also have to increase in speed and size.
However, it will still be sometime before the current technology hits a wall and we will have to resort to such tactics and the end-users and buyers like us will have nothing to worry about for the time being. No matter what, computers will only get better and faster, even if Moore's law doesn't hold anymore.
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